Infinite Realm

Chapter 8 - 6 : Ghost Mansion Part 1

"So this is the mansion location…"

"Apparently so…"

Right in front of Sato and Fudo was a mansion built with an exquisite architectural design resembling a Victorian architecture with a touch of renaissance art. Right in front of the building was a little garden filled with flowers of various species neatly planted and arranged with a small pond in the centre and a beach bordering the pond. All in all, the building with the garden was fenced round with a black gate in front.

"Apparently?" Sato faced Fudo with an inquiring look.

"What\'s with the look?"



"Alright, let\'s go in" Taking a step forward, Sato left behind a stunned Fudo.

"Hey, did you actually think that I misled us?"

"Didn\'t say that".

"But your face did."

"Fudo, do you notice anything weird." Upon approaching the gate, Sato paused and began to study his surroundings.

"Yeah, I also get a weird feeling too. Look at the building, the walls and even the garden. They all look clean and organized. According to the mission info, this building has been abandoned for 3 years yet it has no wears and the plants height look okay, showing it\'s been properly groomed. For an abandoned mansion, this doesn\'t add up." Scanning the building and it\'s environment, Fudo stated his thoughts.

"Yeah, plus…" Walking closer to the gate, Sato pushed it and the gate opened up

"…as an abandoned house it should have been locked but it isn\'t."

"I guess someone has been using this house." Together with Sato, Fudo walked in.

Just as Fudo had stated, the building looked neat and clean as if it had recently been painted or built. The grasses were at carpet height while the plants in the garden looked as if they had recently been pruned. The pond looked crystal clear and still. Looking at the exquisite mansion, one might even think it was recently built with an active owner.

" Fudo, look over here. There are tracks."

" Hmm"

" I think someone was here before us. The question is, players or NPC \'s?"

Looking at the footprints that looked human, Sato wondered whom it might belong to.

" We might as well explore it ourselves."

Heading into the mansion, Sato and Fudo swept through the rooms in search of valuables or clues.

" I can\'t find anything, this is far too weird."

Going through the rooms on the first floor, Sato hadn\'t discovered a dime or clue to the mission. The entire furniture were all clean with no tears or wears, not even signs of attacks or the sorts.

" Sato head over here now! "

Rushing towards the courtyard located right at the centre of the building, Sato was greeted with the hind view of a humanoid creature averaging around 2 metres in height.

"Hey Sato, over here" Fudo whispered while signaling towards him.

Heading over, Sato asked "Is that it?"

" No, the monster wasn\'t actually stated but due to the NPC \'s detailed description of it, it should be the mission target symbol. But that\'s not why I called, look beside it."

Upon hearing Fudo\'s words, Sato was initially disappointed but immediately after looking where Fudo pointed over to, his eyes shone brightly.

"That\'s a-"

"A treasure chest and from the glow, it\'s a Rare Steel Rank Chest." With an excited expression, Fudo interrupted Sato.

One should know that this happens to be the early stage of the game, as such Treasure chests and the like should be quite rare. Discovering a treasure chest as a result of a mission and this happens to not be counted as the mission reward, is probably enough for one to be intoxicated.

"However, that monster…"

[[Cursed Servant (Elite)

Level : 5

HP : 310

Physical Attack Power : 12

Magical Attack Power : 45

Physical Defence : 8

Magical Defence : 12

Attack Speed : 30

Movement Speed : 20


Strength : 4

Endurance : 8

Vitality : 31

Agility : 10

Dexterity : 10

Intelligence : 15

Willpower : 12

Skills :

Dark summon : Passive Skill : Calls forth a low level demonic half blood beast once it\'s HP reaches a certain mark.

Dark Nebula : Active Skill : Releases a dark coloured gas with a 2 meter distance in fan-shaped direction but a 1 meter radius if utilised as a circular attack. Contains curses causing a 10% reduction in Main Attributes as well as [Slow], [Hallucinations], [Weakened Willpower] status effects. Lasts for 10 seconds once infected. Gas lasts 20 seconds before diffusing.

Cool-down : 2 minutes

Pitch-ball : Active Skill : Fires a ball containing dark elements at the target with 120% of attack power as base damage.

Cool-down : 2 seconds

Pitch Crepuscular Rays: Active Skill: Fires a crepuscular dark coloured rays at the target with 150% attack power and the [Weakened: -3% Main Attributes] status effect for 7 seconds.

Cool-down: 7 seconds.

(AN: Normal attacks deal base damage which is either the [Physical Attack Power] or [Magical Attack Power] point depending on the class but skills give additional damage. Hope you understand :) )

System description: A fallen soul who has been corrupted by the nature of Darkness. Where there\'s light, there will be darkness. ]]

"Why is it here?" Sato stared wide at the system result of the scan.

This was because anything related with the Dark element had to either be a demon or was contaminated by the power of Darkness or the Darkness aura. Even the Dark Mage jobs came to be as a result of humanity practicing Dark arts and Demonic arts.

A [Cursed servant] was actually a human mage who ended up being corrupted. However, for that to happen, a Source of Darkness has to be available; either an animate or an inanimate one. If it is an inanimate source, then there isn\'t much problem, but if it is animate, for one to appear this early in the game, spells bad news for all players. This is because an animate Source of Darkness has to be a living demon normally a Boss class demon, which is far more powerful than any player or even NPC guards in Town.

Demons are a race far above humans, as such, normal demons are around level 40-50 with the weaker ones being level 35 and this is just considering your average demon with no battle experience whatsoever. Be it weak or normal demons, none are of good news for current level players.

"A [Cursed Servant] and a level 5 Elite at that. Haa1, This will be tough." Fudo sighed at the sight of the monster.

"It hasn\'t noticed us yet so we have the upper hand. If we approach it properly, we should be able to control the flow of the battle and might possibly pull this of. Alright get ready, I\'ve got a plan."

. . . . . . .

" Hey, you. Yeah you." Waving frantically at the [Cursed servant], Fudo yelled at it with a disdaining smile on his lips.

"You\'re so ugly your mom let you get raised by demons."


The [Cursed servant] stared confusedly at Fudo.

" I mean just look at you. What\'s with that weird smudge allover your face. Are you a demon or a monster or even a wardrobe creep? And what\'s with that name, [Cursed servant]. Are you a mage or a servant? If I were your dad, I would be pretty disappointed. Oh wait I get it now. Your mom must have been pregnant with you but ended up passing a green hat to your father and slept with a demon. That makes sense. No wonder you are so ugly and disgusting." (AN : Wearing a green hat shows that your wife is cheating on you. Chinese play on words.)

Initially, the [cursed servant] didn\'t understand him but looking at that condescending smile of his, it got enraged and lifted its hand with dark mana gathering by, ready to cast a spell.

Upon seeing this, Fudo raised his right hand and pointed his index finger right by it chuckling " Hehehe. You so dumb you didn\'t know when you got scammed."

Even though it was occupied with the thought of eliminating this psychotic nitwit that keeps mocking it, the creature was still a level 5 being that formerly had intellect. As such, it got attracted to the direction it\'s prey was pointing, wondering why rather than crying and pleading for his life, it\'s prey was pointing fingers elsewhere. It wasn\'t worried that Fudo might escape because it surpassed him in every attribute.

Immediately after turning behind, the [Cursed servant] was greeted by a not so loud bang accompanied with an intense burst of bright white light.

[[ Simple Flash Grenade : Causes [Temporary Blindness] effect for 4 seconds. ]]

[Chop] -11

Once the flash was over, Sato appeared right in front of the creature and swung his sword at it causing damage.

\' Shit! My attack power is weak against it.\'

" Fudo! "

During the time the flash grenade detonated and Sato attacked, Fudo had already begun chanting a spell, gathering mana onto his crooked staff. At this moment, he was reciting the last stanza.

" O Heavenly King of flames grant thy humble one a view of thy flare. Embody in flames, from flesh to ashes, grant my my enemy a touch of thy grace. Explosion !!! "

(An : Bakuretsu, bakuretsu lalala… )

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